A role is a set or group of privileges that can be granted to users or another role.
Creating a Role
To create a role, you must have CREATE ROLE system privileges.
Syntax :
Role without password
Role with password
CREATE ROLE rolename IDENTIFIED {BY password | USING [schema.] package | EXTERNALLY | GLOBALLY } ;
Where ,
Rolenaame - Any user defined name that will refer to the grouping of privileges or Role.
NOT IDENTIFIED - No password is required to enable the role.
IDENTIFIED - a user must be authorized by a specified method before the role is enabled.
BY password - password to enable the role.
USING package - phrase means that you are creating an application role - a role that is enabled only by applications using an authorized package.
EXTERNALLY - user must be authorized by an external service to enable the role. An external service can be an operating system or third-party service.
GLOBALLY - user must be authorized by the enterprise directory service to enable the role.
The following are few privileges that can be granted to any roles,
Select - To query the table or view using a select statement.
Insert - To add new rows
Update - To update existing rows in the table using the update statement.
Delete - To delete rows from the table using the delete statement.
References - To create a constraint that refers to the table.
Alter - To change the table definition using the alter table statement.
Index - To create an index on the table using the create index statement
Execute - To execute the function/procedure
Examples :
SQL> create role ReadonlyUsers;
Role created.
SQL> grant select on emp to ReadonlyUsers;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant ReadonlyUsers to Sam;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> revoke ReadonlyUsers from Sam;
Revoke succeeded.
- To remove the role from database
SQL> drop role ReadonlyUsers;
Role dropped.
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