Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Lesson 12 : Aggregate Functions

Aggregate Functions or GROUP functions

Aggregate or Group functions are built-in oracle database functions that  return one value for the entire group of rows.

The following are Aggregate Functions that can be used with GROUP BY clause

1)      Count(* or any column)  - Number of rows

2)      Max()   - Largest number among all rows of numeric field

3)      Min()  -  Smallest number among all rows of numeric field

4)      Avg()   - Average of given numeric field/column

5)       Sum(numeric colmun)    -  Sum of given  numeric field/column


  1. Hello Sir, I hope for "MAX" and "MIN" aggregate functions we can use any data type- rte? we will get the value for even varchar2 data type- rte?

  2. Yes Arun. We can use it. But Numeric and date datatype only give meaningful results.
