Constraints are useful for
preventing the invalid data and also for data security. Constraints are as
- Primary Key Constraint.
- Foreign key ( aka. reference key)
- Not NULL
- Unique
- Check
As name says, this constraint will
not allow the column as empty column. If any column define as NOT NULL
constraint that column should contain the data. If we try to insert NULL. It
will throw an error that states “Integrity constraint error: NOT NULL
constraint violated”.
We can add this constraint my
modifying the table (alter table modify….) but, that column should not have
null values.
Note: Space is NOT a null value.
Unique constraint will not allow
duplicate value in the column. But, it will allow null values. (‘N’ number of
null values).
We can add this constraint my
modifying the table (alter table modify….) but, that column should not have
duplicate values.
While inserting the record, using
check constraint we can check the data before insert. It will easy to
understand in example.
Primary key
Primary key is a combination of NOT
NULL and UNIQUE constraint key. This also called as parent key. The column
defined as PRIMARY will not allow NULL values and also duplicate values.
We can add this constraint my
modifying the table (alter table modify….) but, that column should not have
null and duplicate values.
We can’t drop the primary column or
table contains primary column before disable or drop foreign key constraint
column or table contains foreign key defined table.
If we tried to drop the table or
column we will get the error.
Foreign key
Foreign key is same like as unique
constraint. It will not allow the duplicate values but, will allow the null
values. This also called as a reference key. The data which are in the
reference key column should have the same value as PRIMARY key. We can’t insert
the values which are not in primary column.
We can add this constraint my
modifying the table (alter table modify….) but, that column should not have duplicate
values and also data should be available in primary key.
Any time we can “enable” or
“disable” the constraints but, whenever we are doing that, all criteria should
be valid for the constraints.
Example for creating table:
Create table Arun (Id number (10)
constraint pk_id Primary key,
Name Varchar2 (32) constraint NOT
age number (2) constraint age_check
check (age>18) ,
contact_number number (12)
constraint unique);
Create table Vars (Id number(2)
constraint fk_id references arun(id));
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