Saturday, 28 July 2012

Lesson : 1 - Introduction to Oracle Database

Lesson : 1 -  Introduction to Oracle Database

ORACLE is a relational database management system (RDBMS).

Oracle is capable of manage a large amount of data in a multi-user environment and  many users can concurrently access the same data with high performance.

Oracle Database is secured from unauthorized access and provide efficient solutions for failure recovery. The ORACLE Server provides efficient and effective solutions for the major database feature and it is also user friendly.

ORACLE database software consists of many applications that allow you to create an user application with ease and flexibility.

The important features available to ORACLE application developers are integrity constraints, stored procedures and packages, database triggers, cost-based optimizer, shared SQL, locking, views and sequences.

The following are important modules which we are going to learn soon.
SQL*Plus  - The commands that you will require in order to create oracle objects like tables,views,triggers,stored procedures & functions and manipulate the data in the Oracle database.
  • SQL Commands – Commands which are being used to create,manipulate and querying database data.
  • PL/SQL ( Procedural language on SQL) – Programming tool of Oracle.
  • SQL Reports  - Commands to generate SQL reports.